
Investacup recap Week 1

Here is my one word summary of the first week of the Investacup competition. 


My processors were scrambled adjusting to the max of 3 positions in the port. Every time I take a look and see extra cash, there was this tendency to look for something to buy. My usual strategy of adding to my current position couldn't work anymore. Also, the lack of having GTCs to wait for the price to hit my buys was a factor as well. Frustration was kicking in and that was a very bad sign.

So I immediately did a purge for a day. Sold all positions and looked inward. Took some time to reassess my system and strategy. Remembered that this was just the first week so there is still a lot of time to catch up. 

Question is, will I be able to make it? 

Ranking after week 1.