
RAK to the world

Now it can be told. 

Was waiting for the confirmation for some time now and finally it has arrived. As promised by our mentor, the course not only teaches us the ins and outs of the stock market but it also teaches us to give back to the community. At the start of the course we were asked which charity we wanted to donate a portion of our tuition fee. We could not decide as a group on just one so we opted to split it into three.

And here are the results of our RAK: (Random Acts of Kindness)

- This was the first of our endeavors. One scholar for each student. 

- This was the second one, Helping Hands 

- And finally the one we were all waiting for, this was a totally different project inspired by Cygnus. Who else can say that they have a boat named after them? Well, our batch can. 

It is one of my goals that as soon as I have mastered my techniques and reached my trading milestones, I will continue doing doing RAK and have already identified several potential charities. I am sure my fellow ASTRA batchmates feel the same way as well.

Bring RAK to the world everyone.