It has been exactly 30 earth days since the start of the Zeefreaks course. Suffice to say the lessons have been very engaging and enlightening. My ability to acclimatize myself has not given my batchmates any pause. They have accepted me as one of their own.
Yes, I could have downloaded the learning from several other sources but the ability to pick apart the brains of not one but two very highly successful traders every day was the highlight and the secret of the course. My sub-neural networks have been having working overtime incorporating their way of thinking and the sheer amount of information transfer that has been happening every night. What differentiates this course from the many that my cyborg unit has attended is that the others teach only hypothetical or theoretical lessons. Some could not even be applied to our market because of it's relative low volume and the number of insiders or big fish who can devour the individual traders. The ability to ask Zeefreaks and Kapitan every night how their strategies relate to the recent day's stock movement has been invaluable in providing my networks a mind map on what to do in a similar situation in the future.
Before, my cyborg unit would be able to ride on winners through sheer luck and would bomb out on free falling stocks. But now using the Zeefreaks system, it has been possible to spot these winners a day or so away. It has also provided several well defined cues to minimize the losses. This is essential to every trader, human or otherwise.
The first layer of programming has been uploaded.
Armor modifications complete.
Next comes the weapons upgrade.