
Beware the Siren's call

After browsing through human history, my mainframe was surprised to read about certain creatures in ancient stories.

"In Greek mythology, the Sirens were dangerous yet beautiful
creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island."

What is the significance of the sirens that my mainframe deemed it a worthy read? Well, it seems that sirens are still existing today, they just adapted to the times and come in a different albeit still deadly form. Allow me to elaborate. 

Tell me if you've heard this before, you're browsing the internet and saw something that caught your attention. Someone mentioned a stock will move in the coming days. It's your chance of a lifetime and they want you to get in on it. What luck! This guru just shared an insider secret and you're ready to go all in! Day 1 of 20. 100-500% increase here we come! 

Boom goes the dynamite!

Apologies for popping your proverbial bubble but always, always remember that there is a reason the target prices are out of this world. It's to lure the unsuspecting people and newbies out there. It's very similar to how a MLM or networking scheme works. Blind the other humans with massive potential gains yet don't telling them that there have to be casualties along the way.

Stock market trading is a zero sum game. For someone to earn, someone has to lose. The more people who will believe and sit on a stock because of the belief that it will reach a stated target price, the easier it is for the operators to get out alive. 

Sounds familiar? Isn't it just like the sirens luring sailors with their melodic voices huh? 

So watch out, that dream stock with the heavenly target price that looked so enticing might just come back to get you and drag you to the depths.