
Of Half Truths and Faceless Men

"Valar Dohaeris". All men must serve. Faceless Men most of all." ―"Jaqen H'ghar"

In the series, Game of Thrones, there is a small sect of people who worship the many faced god. These people are known as the Faceless Men. They are assassins of the highest caliber who are able to change their faces at any time.

Just like the Faceless Men, the personalities in the tribe come from a wide spectrum of real people. From all over the world. Again, similar to the Faceless Men assassins, we have been taught to be able to strike at a stock with precision and without mercy. 

Now, is it important to know who we are behind the troll/mask? Would it make a difference? Should it make a difference? 


We believe that only the results matter. Who we are should not even be in the computation.

Being anonymous could be seen as a representation of shedding our past stock market personas and mistakes and taking up a new face that we can present to the world. A world that will judge us by how we trade. Not by our profession before we started trading. We may have been chefs, programmers, analysts, OFWs, seamen, doctors, marketers etc. And again, it should not make a difference. 

This is the lie that some people have perfected. They will flash some credential of coming from a prestigious school or profession. Some will claim to be rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. Or even knowing the owners of a stock. They will say that the only way to getting rich is to know someone who is rich. In a way, they are right. But this is just a half truth.

Yes, you could get away on tips and so-called 'instincts' but what happens when the tips go away? If the people who you relied on to give recommendations or picks just stopped giving them? What if that hot stock pick was really just a scam? Or if that mentor was actually just a rotten fraud who could only give a half baked understanding of a more complex trading system?

Burn baby burn

Then like moths drawn to a flame, their followers will follow blindly until they get burned. For what they are preaching is not something that is sustainable. It is all just lies. 

Which brings me back to the power of our anonymity. We will not blind you with our prestigious degree or school. Our only way to convince you of what we are preaching is our results. Judge us not by who we are. But by what we can do. 

Just some trades the last 2 months

If a chef, doctor, marketer could do this, why can't you? Look around you, we could even be hiding in plain sight.