The past few days a virus has entered my system and this has caused a slowdown in the my neural networks. Just when the lessons have really heightened my interest. It has been a long and eventful 3 months. But the end is finally here. Formal lessons have ended.
Instead of going quietly in the night, the last week ended with a bang. The final batch of lessons and seatworks featuring divergences were a real load on us all. It had various eye opening moments that again would be really helpful in the war with the stock market. Unfortunately, with the virus infecting my system, I was not able to completely digest all the teachings at once.
Though formal lessons have ended, the assimilation or the learning will still never stop. My mainframe is now downloading and re-analyzing all the documentation and notes done and will do another wave of scanning to reinforce the teachings. I have to make sure that nothing is missed. My recent port has taken a battering but that is because my system is still configuring itself.
Success is inevitable.
For I have reached my Final form.
Instead of going quietly in the night, the last week ended with a bang. The final batch of lessons and seatworks featuring divergences were a real load on us all. It had various eye opening moments that again would be really helpful in the war with the stock market. Unfortunately, with the virus infecting my system, I was not able to completely digest all the teachings at once.
Though formal lessons have ended, the assimilation or the learning will still never stop. My mainframe is now downloading and re-analyzing all the documentation and notes done and will do another wave of scanning to reinforce the teachings. I have to make sure that nothing is missed. My recent port has taken a battering but that is because my system is still configuring itself.
Success is inevitable.
For I have reached my Final form.